The Butterfly Sign
243 Points
- Release Date: 2018-08-21
- Stock: 123
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Brawling has never been more beautiful! The long-awaited sequel to the smash hit action-platformer is here: Guacamelee! 2 brings luchador Juan Aguacate out of retirement for a stunning new Metroidvania-style adventure, where he must face his greatest challenge yet - one that threatens to tear apart the very fabric of the Mexiverse!
Explore a huge, hand-crafted world inspired by Mexican culture and folklore, filled with sassy new villains and weirdos (and a few old friends!). Learn a deep repertoire of bone-crunching wrestling moves to fend off the skeletal hordes and overcome skillful platforming challenges... and who said anything about a Chicken Illuminati? Certainly not us!
Check out these features:
- Powerful New Moves - Eagle Boost, Rocket Kick, Pollo Shot and more add to Juan’s arsenal of combat and platforming abilities.
- Super Chicken - Tons of new powers for Juan’s chicken form. Ridiculous chicken-based platforming, combat and exploration. More chicken than you’ll be able to handle (probably).
- Vibrant, Deadly World - An epic, colorful adventure through the worlds of the living and the dead, across rifts in time and space -- looking more gorgeous than ever thanks to a fancy new rendering engine.
- Lots to See - Bigger maps, bursting with secrets and optional content. Twice as many enemy types as the first game, and a roster of eccentric new bosses.
- New Upgrade System - Discover “trainers” from around the world, defeat their challenges, and upgrade your movement, combat, abilities, and more.
- Caliente OST - Soundtrack featuring new music from Peter Chapman and Rom Di Prisco - composers of the original Guacamelee! OST. Additional tracks from special guests Mariachi Entertainment System!
- 4-Player Co-op - Drop-in / drop-out 4-player local co-op through the entire story lets your best amigos join in anytime.