264 Points
- Release Date: 2013-07-25
- Stock: 10060
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Make a free account. Earn points by watching videos, completing surveys and tasks such as submitting your email address for a company's newsletter or download an App. These points can be used to get any Steam Games from the Free Steam Games Shop.
It usually takes only an hour. But may take upto 72 hours to complete the whole process.
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A vast army has gathered in front of the castle gates and is preparing to attack King Arthur! How has it come to this?
Witness important events in the history of the legendary king and accompany him and his army on the path to an uncertain future. It is up to you to restore the honor, the glory and the reign of the Arthurian line, and rewrite the course of history!
Good or evil? The decision is entirely yours! Two extensive campaigns give you insight into both sides of the war.