For The King
373 Points
- Release Date: 2014-09-12
- Stock: 2489
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Sequel to its successful predecessor, Battle Academy 2 moves the action east – to the bloodied plains of Mother Russia. When a gritty new look, great new features, and random mission generation meet battle-proven gameplay you can be sure of a strategy classic!
Experience the brutal campaign from both sides as you play across 4 campaigns – as partisan, Tiger, T-34 and dozens of other accurately modeled units. See how the harsh weather of the steppes changed the course of the war.
And after following the fortunes of the two sides you can then experience limitless battles with the brand new random skirmish feature. Customise your mission with the myriad settings before entering a unique and surprising battle every time.
Add in the best-in-class Slitherine PBEM++ multiplayer system, redesigned editor, custom scripting, and Cooperative multiplayer to create a new strategy masterpiece.
Key features
373 Points
142 Points
345 Points